Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Impressionable Self & the judgmental other...

It is fairly true when people say that the life of a kid is the best phase of one's life- for one, they do not end up judging everyone they meet and two-all they have in their mind is just to have fun with the other kids around. You don’t find them forming even an impression let alone judging others.

While it is fairly accepted thought that we grow wiser with age and experiences, do we really grow wise enough not to bother/judge the other person regardless of their choices...? Are we so constricted in our own teeny tiny worlds that we refuse to accept people who do not follow the same rules formed in our head? 

A religious extremist cannot understand and to an extent would detest any other person not of his/her religion. A politically conservative person considers any other person without the same views to be illogical. A socially conservative man thinks every man/woman who's open about their sex life as sluts! The irony of such situations is people from the other end feel likewise. 

While I compose this post, I cannot be more ashamed to admit how I end up in the pool of the judgmental lot (even though hate being one!) forming an opinion on those who are gender biased or diplomatic. 

Having worked for years and meeting scores of people, a colleague of mine still judges every other person based on their choices.  Girls are never behind in this race either just as men are. If there a bunch who are in awe with the brands, there is another who judge based on the choice of profession or sexual orientation. Now, come on- let’s be honest- how many of us do have an expression ring in our head when we hear the other person is a waiter/ a bar dancer or a gay/lesbian?

I couldn't help but wonder, are we all so bound by the rule of thought that we forget the basic decency of respecting the way the others are regardless of what they choose to be? Do we have to judge every single person around us to satisfy/justify OUR inner voices? Isn't this nasty trait of the homosapien the basis for all the chaos both in our personal lives and the society on the bigger front?

A nude painting might be a form of admiration from an artist’s point of view just as much as it is disrespectful for the conservative set- does that means one should shoo the other person away in the name of patriotism!

I keep thinking- what if ? What if a girl really makes an effort not to change ANYTHING in her guy- what if the guy tries not to judge his girl based on her likes and dislikes. What if parents let their child to grow up to what they desire to be without being judged- what if, as a citizen we really strive to accept people regardless of their sex, religion, nationality or economic status- what if we make it point to teach the next generation how important it is to be tolerant and non-judgmental with just as much effort we make sure they learn the right values?? Is that too much to ask of to live at peace!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Compromising State!

Ever since we could make sense of the situations around us, we have been taught about compromises we are deemed to encounter to at every stage of life- may be even more if you are born a girl. If some (may be a very few) could be ignored with the perks they bring along with them, many outweigh!

I was told not to dress a certain way (also termed as 'revealing'- as much as revealing your leg!) regardless of whether I like it or not because that's a compromise I would have to make to exist in a society like ours. Well there are people who do tag it in the name of culture while some give it different names to cover their judgmental nature. There are families which consider giving children the freedom of speech (a right to question their parents 'WHY') is sinful- a compromise a child (or may be even a grown up) would have to make in order to please their parents/elders.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chicago- My muse!

Three days away from a university town to a place like Chicago with friends might just sound perfect and so was it! The drive was about 9 hours long which didn't seem long enough may be because of the fun we had throughout-laughing our guts out! Reaching Chicago brought back many sweet memories making me love every bit of that feeling. Dinner and a bit of drive through the downtown sealed the day with much to do the next day. We woke up to a scary incident when Vishnu almost drowned in a 9 feet pool and Jen ended up saving him- couldn't ask for a scarier start! I was so excited for the day ahead and wanted to look  my best in one of my dresses which I have been saving it for a long time. The freezing weather outside did not scare me much- may be the love for my new shoes and the dress was way more than wind chill. No sooner we reached downtown, Vishnu and I landed up in a fight- and I ended up changing to my pair of jeans I brought along (which I thought I might need if it gets too cold but ended up using it for a different reason altogether! ) We did end up patching up within half hour shoving it under the carpet may be in the excitement to meet one of our closest friends-Sandeep aka sapota!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Finally shrugged the laziness and here I am my little space....enjoying every bit of it !!!
Off late I have been watching the very famous Friends series- which never fails to bore me (or may be I guess none for that matter) -this is the third time over I was watching and every time I do I cannot stop but think of mine. I think it is high time I dedicate a post to those who COMPLETE me- My F.R.I.E.N.D.S.