Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Compromising State!

Ever since we could make sense of the situations around us, we have been taught about compromises we are deemed to encounter to at every stage of life- may be even more if you are born a girl. If some (may be a very few) could be ignored with the perks they bring along with them, many outweigh!

I was told not to dress a certain way (also termed as 'revealing'- as much as revealing your leg!) regardless of whether I like it or not because that's a compromise I would have to make to exist in a society like ours. Well there are people who do tag it in the name of culture while some give it different names to cover their judgmental nature. There are families which consider giving children the freedom of speech (a right to question their parents 'WHY') is sinful- a compromise a child (or may be even a grown up) would have to make in order to please their parents/elders.
Girls- as they grow up are taught constantly to learn how to adjust for her future husband and his family- a compromise she would have to make to put up with what the 'society' might talk about, social prestige and above all her security. A guy/ girl has to come to terms with their sexual orientation regardless of they being a gay/lesbian in the fear of the social stigma, peer and family pressures. As employees we constantly have it in our heads that 'the boss is always right!' and as crazy as it might sound, every one of us ends up putting up with our bosses at some point - a compromise we make to survive at work.

If situations like these are called compromises, I keep wondering what do we have to name the changes one has to go through when we are in a relationship- regardless of sex (pun intended :P)! At every stage, there are too many compromises one goes through- some quite natural, some with a deliberate effort, while some which cannot be changed how much ever you try- all for the blissful feeling of LOVE :). .A guy would have to give up some habits which his girl might not like, learn new stuff which he has never done before all in the name of pleasing his girl- a compromise he would make to see his girl smile :). A married woman is constantly set to meeting the expectations (from in-laws, parents, husband, society, work-if it still exists) which could cost her job, her freedom, her sensibilities, her judgement and at times may be even her mind eventually- a compromise she makes to knit the family together :)

I cannot help but wonder- while we have been taught all through how to compromise at every stage, why have we been NOT taught where to STOP? How and when do we realize how much of a compromise is a COMPROMISE?
I might be a nobody to judge if such compromises are 'right' or 'wrong' but they sure do have a profound effect on everyone at every point  in their life- it's just the matter of how many get used to these so much so that they become a way of life while some have the guts to question it and may even know where to stop!


  1. Nice Madhuri... really nice.. Would like to figure out myself as where should I stop... Even Stopping might come at a cost of something else in our life.. It is always give and take I guess...
    Way to go :D

  2. Very sensible post!

    I would say I have experienced the best read in your blog. The way I see it, Compromise is not a bad thing as long as it keeps someone happy. Now that someone might be you or anyone related to you, the choice depends on how self-concerned you are about your life.

    Very rightly put forth and very different from the rest of your posts.

  3. BTW .. I forgot .. I like the new look, the blog looks so much like you, NOW!

  4. Beautiful Madhu!! The last para says it all.

    We all say we have gone through lot of compromise in life. Many a times we just try to take in everything that comes across but do not question ourselves whether what we are doing is good for us on the long run or not. It is takes a lot of strength to question that and hold on to it. One should always know when to STOP!!

  5. bradshaw? i almost heard the mac keystrokes. :)

  6. @Sujith, Vishnu, Shanti - I am on a high...thank you guys for all those good words :)....

    @ arvindh...I cannot stop smiling reading your comment....I must admit I saw that coming...taking it as compliment for now (may be until I get my feet properly wet!)

  7. Very nice topic and relates to everyone in some or the other way..Kudos to ya..Very well said :) According to me...we compromise on lot of things, some of them are for our own good and we will realize that after a while.

  8. My opinion is we need not compromise for every one. But its worth doing to any extent for people who really care for us. At the end of the day you don't feel bad that you are compromising something instead you we will be happy doing so.

    Ela undi opinion racha rasanu kada.. naak neney muddu vachestunna baboi !!!

    Blog is lively and colorful. Like it!!!

  9. a compliment, of course. you even knew where to stop! :P
