Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Maiden post...Expression..!!!

Better late than never....and here I am starting off (or rather restarting) something which I should have done long before. Expressing vividly what is on my mind has always been one of my traits, as I might put it; be it a personal issue or a national one. Am sure this would be the best platform which would mirror me and my opnions in their true self.

I always wonder about the means of expression, we as humans use, to convey what we want/intend to....mmmm...alright lemme guess some of 'em----words, body language, look, gait, facial expression (you can actually see the change in facial muscles whn u change an expression as vividly as ripples in a pond), how you breathe, tone, subtle actions/ motion, rate at which you speak.......and above all...the mere air around the person.......

Its always quite fascinatiing to read, understand and study about the people (including yourself) around you......Am sure quite a lot of my posts are going to hover around this central idea.....I would greatly appreaciate if you share your opinion/s which would broaden my understanding....

Thank you for stopping by.......:)


  1. Welcome back!!

    I have been visiting your earlier blog for the past few days and was about to suggest you to start writing again (I think I did!). Well, better late than never :)

    A nice post to start with, writing about something which you always do .. analyze people ;)

    All the very best dear :)

  2. It somehow had to happen that just somedays back, when I was taking a look at the pics in your Orkut, I learnt about ur gaurilakshmi.blogspot..Father forgets..and then I thought..quite a long time u've been inactive..and you are....welcome back

  3. Hey Madhu...All the best and I'm waiting for your next post :)
