Friday, December 4, 2009

The AMERICAN (-Indian) way of life...!!!

Well...where do I start for such a broad topic......ever since I landed my first foot on this land, I have had a mixed bag of feelings (more positive than negative) which are quite hard to pen 'em down.

It was freezing cold the day I landed, and probably that was the first time I had been in such a cold weather. I cannot express how I felt...but yeaa it surely din feel any good...probably of the kind of person who loves warm weather, lazy to layer myself up or the uneasiness of staying in closed doors....always wrapped up...whatever it was, it wasn't something I sooner did I land ....I get to realize that my long time friend is flying all the way from Canada to visit friends, new roomies, new environment.....amidst all this...had a fresh air of nostalgia meeting Divya.....

Friday, November 20, 2009

A new feather on my hat :)

If the first 21 years was one phase where i considered entering the kitchen is such a taboo...the past 3 years has proved to be quite contrary. I remember the days when mom used to literally request, order, shout and again finally request to learn how to cook and there I go saying 'NEVER'. I cannot figure out if that was out of sheer fear of being tabooed as a grown up woman (something too girlish) or the liking of being in a state of denial. Whatever it was, I never budged towards that place. Recollecting those days amuses me- when dad used to request me for a cup of tea or coffee and there I was outrightly denying stating I do not know to prepare one. Am sure he had a tough time dealing with my adolescence. I still don understand how I transformed so drastically to a person whom I never wanted to be ...but still having the same outlook.
Am sure I can positively assert major part of this change to V~. Never thought a boyfriend can have such a positive influence on a person like me. Well getting back :P , so HERE I AM, a person who enjoys cooking to the core :).

Friday, October 30, 2009

Novel Experiences.....

The past few weeks have been a roller-coaster for both V~ and me..everything happening just so fast and everything coming to a reality after so long a time!!! I have always felt that the tough times are the only ones which are most difficult to handle and lately I realized that SUCCESS isn't all that easy to handle either. The third week of October-may be- has been quite stressful that I could imagine.
Working off campus- days were just passing by with an aspiration and a desire that my career would kick start some day. I can't express the number of jobs I have searched for, applied for- just out of the hope that things would work out positive ....some time soon. Amidst all these, I never forgot to enjoy every moment of LIFE. If not for V~, it could have never been possible-Life still looked beautiful and promising in those times....the smiles on our faces never actually died !!!
One fine morning, I wake up to see an email from one of the employers I have applied for, willing to employ me as an online tutor for a tutoring website. Hardly had that news sunk in, I receive yet another email from the Technical Coordinator of the LPL asking me for an appointment for an interview.
Well the email from the latter one is a long story. To cut it short, I have been interviewed for this position about 5 months ago and got a rejection letter as usual! And this time on, he wanted to me to interview for the same position as in his words 'he took a wrong decision the last time'. My anxiety knew no bounds that day. I had all kinds of questions- what is he going to interview me for this time, would that be a technical one (trust me for the first time I brushed up some basic concepts), is he willing to employ an international and even before employing, am I the only one he is interviewing or are there another bunch of people in the queue..oooooohhh!!
Puffed up with all this anxiety, I meet J~- my interviewer. As soon as we enter the boardroom for the interview and hardly was it a few seconds that we took our seat, J~ gets to say -" You have been technically interviewed a few months ago, so I am not interviewing you today. I shall brief you the responsibilities, take you on a library tour and discuss the pay package and if you are interested in joining us we can kick start in a couple of days"- can you beat that!!! I was there with all sorts of questions, and I get to hear this- now this is what I meant by a roller coaster!
I think it took me two or three days for the news to sink in. I wasn't happy nor sad. I was numb, blank whatever you can term it. Was it probably the long wait for a job that made me feel so, or the sudden unexpected news bumping in my face- whatever it was, it was not good- I felt VERY STRESSED. V~ could not understand what I was trying to express, nor my mum, dad. My heart was pounding and could feel the stress of every nerve in my body. I am sure this is something I have never felt before- a Novel Experience!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Its 3:30 am ...and I wake up from my bed unable to sleep...too many thoughts gushing through hardly leaving a scope for me to rest.....I wish someone could help me figure out what's going on with my sleeping habits.....there are times when I wake up by 7:30 or 8 in the morning me ...with my eyes wide open....and then there are times when I cannot fall asleep until the wee hours ending up opening my eyes at 1:00 pm (probably this is what is called..heights of worklessness..) .......and that's how I ended up posting an article at this hour :)....

This review is probably too late to be published ..but I just can't stop but think of the movie I just watched, "CHOKER BALI"- masterpiece on the celluloid. If you are a person who watches a movie for pure entertainment, am sure the rest of the blog would not be much interest/use to you. ...
This flick was brought into a visual reality by Rituparno Ghosh as beautifully as had been written by the maestro- Tagore. Of all the characters, 'Binodini' had swept me off my feet with an exceptional peformance by Aishwarya. Be it her gait, her look or for that matter even her silence had coveyed every bit of the Binodini. The writer's (Tagore's) creativity, director's brilliance, the characters' sponteneity, the music director's background score and above all Bengal and it's beauty quench your taste for a good cinema....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Maiden post...Expression..!!!

Better late than never....and here I am starting off (or rather restarting) something which I should have done long before. Expressing vividly what is on my mind has always been one of my traits, as I might put it; be it a personal issue or a national one. Am sure this would be the best platform which would mirror me and my opnions in their true self.

I always wonder about the means of expression, we as humans use, to convey what we want/intend to....mmmm...alright lemme guess some of 'em----words, body language, look, gait, facial expression (you can actually see the change in facial muscles whn u change an expression as vividly as ripples in a pond), how you breathe, tone, subtle actions/ motion, rate at which you speak.......and above all...the mere air around the person.......

Its always quite fascinatiing to read, understand and study about the people (including yourself) around you......Am sure quite a lot of my posts are going to hover around this central idea.....I would greatly appreaciate if you share your opinion/s which would broaden my understanding....

Thank you for stopping by.......:)